Lab 9.4.1 Compiling the Documentation

Task 1: Compile the Project Proposal

Step 1: Finalize the documentation requirements
a. Finalize the documentation created in the previous labs and in your project portfolio.
b. Insert and compile the information under the following headings:
  • Executive Summary
  • Network Requirements
  • Current Network Environment
  • Proposed Physical Design
  • Proposed Logical Design
  • Implementation Plan
  • Cost Proposal
Step 2: Prepare the cover page
Include a cover page at the beginning of the proposal. The cover page describes the proposal, including the RFP or solicitation number and date, the customer contact information, and the vendor name and contact information.

Step 3: Prepare the Table of Contents
Develop a Table of Contents for the proposal document.

Step 4: Create the proposal
Complete the proposal document. The proposal layout should be highly readable and should aid the reader in locating information.
  • Use graphics to enhance the readability of a proposal and convey information where appropriate.
  • Text should be legible, typically a serif typeface such as Times Roman, at 10-point to 12-point type.
  • Page margins should be at least 0.5 inches (125mm).
  • Page numbers should be included at the top or bottom of each page.
Step 5: Update the Executive Summary
Use information from the completed implementation and costing sections to update the Executive Summary.

Step 6: Organize the Proposal binder
Arrange the proposal components in a binder, based on the order cited in the Table of Contents.

Step 7: Prepare Terms and Signatures page
a. Prepare the terms of agreement and an acceptance page for customer signatures to be included at
the end of the proposal. The terms and conditions describe all relevant legal terms and contracts that
will be required. These terms and conditions support the supply of goods and services related to
network improvements and installations.
Important clauses in the terms and conditions usually include:
  • Details about the proposal expiration date
  • Obligations of the customer to obtain permission or other consents within their organization
  • Obligations of the vendor to provide services and equipment with care and skill
  • Dates when completed milestone deliverables are payable
  • Interest chargeable on outstanding payments
  • The amount of notice the customer must give to cancel their equipment and service orders
  • Details about guarantees (if any) provided by the vendor
  • Details about escalating and resolving complaints or issues
If the customer accepts the proposal, an appropriate customer representative signs the Terms and
Signatures page.
Your instructor will advise of the standard terms and conditions that will apply to all proposals.
b. Save this file and include in the proposal document.

Task 2: Prepare the Presentation

Step 1: Plan the presentation
After compiling a proposal, network designers review the entire proposal with their management organization by means of a formal presentation. During this stage of the design proposal, the designer must first sell the concept to the internal management and then to the customer.
For your presentation, list the important points to include that illustrate the proposal. A proposal presentation includes slides or other visual aids to graphically represent the proposal. The presentation, along with the proposal document, is vital to ensuring a successful meeting and increasing the probability of a customer sign-off.

Step 2: Create the presentation
This step assumes that the presentation will use MS PowerPoint or equivalent presentation software. Your instructor will advise of the presentation requirements and resources available.
a. The content and presentation format are important in a business environment. Create a presentation
that considers the following points:
  • Every slide should have a heading that summarizes the information presented on the slide.
  • Computer presentations should not contain full paragraphs of text. Use a bulleted list or outline format and elaborate on the points during the delivery.
  • All type should be legible. Use large fonts, because small fonts are often hard to read.
  • Use contrasting colors – either a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text.
  • Keep the format and style consistent throughout the presentation. Do not change text font, text color, background color, or theme except for an occasional special emphasis.
  • Avoid backgrounds that make the text hard to read. Keep the background simple.
  • Do not use ALL CAPS! Their use is unprofessional and they are also more difficult to read.
  • Include a combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Variety keeps the presentation interesting.
b. Save the presentation file and any other presentation aids that you created.


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