Lab Applying Design Constraints

Step 1: Identify possible project constraints
a. Use word processing software to create a new Project Constraints document.
b. The identified constraints that set limits or boundaries on the network upgrade project should be entered into the Gathered Data field of the constraints document. Brainstorm ideas with other students to identify additional constraints.
Classify each constraint as one of the following four types:
  • Budget
  • Policy
  • Schedule
  • Personnel
Step 2: Tabulate comments based on the identified constraints
a. Using the list of constraints discovered from the FilmCompany case study, apply appropriate comments on how the constraints affect the design.
b. Enter the comments into a table
to IT personnel
·    Training needed for new hires on company security policy
of a failure.
·    Project must be completed within 4 months of project start.
·    Maintenance windows are between 2am and 6am Monday through Friday.
·    Less than 4 months to get the project completed.
·    Looking to hire 6 temporary and parttime production staff and at least 1 IT technician.
·    Training on new equipment for IT personnel is needed.
·    Will new personnel affect security policy?
·    Do the new personnel need training on the equipment?
·    Do existing personnel need training?
c. Save your Project Constraints checklist.

Step 3: Identify trade-offs
a. Use word processing software to create an addition to the Project Constraints document.
b. The identified constraints that set limits or boundaries on the network upgrade project will require
potential trade-offs. Discuss ideas with other students regarding trade-offs for proposed designs.
Mungkin tidak mendapatkan peralatan baru karena keterbatasan anggaran, sehingga peralatan yang ada mungkin perlu upgrade. Layanan ISP mungkin tidak optimal untuk jenis lalu lintas yang dihasilkan, sehingga sebuah ISP baru mungkin diperlukan. Anggaran tidak dapat mendukung penggantian infrastruktur yang ada; alternatif perlu dikembangkan untuk ekspansi masa depan.
c. Record the trade-offs in your Project Constraints checklist.
d. Save your Project Constraints checklist.

Step 4: Reflection
The constraints imposed on this network design project are determined by the internal requirements of the FilmCompany. Consider and discuss the identified constraints and potential trade-offs. Do the trade-offs pose a significant obstacle to the design? Are there alternate methods that can be employed to achieve the success criteria without a significant budget?
• Kurang dari empat bulan untuk menyelesaikan proyek akan membutuhkan alokasi personel lebih banyak.
• Pelatihan personil mungkin perlu dilakukan secara bertahap.
• Tidak tersedianya peralatan atau kabel dari spesifikasi teknis yang diperlukan
• Kurangnya akomodasi ke rumah usaha yang diperluas dan infrastruktur jaringannya sejak proyek dapat mengkonsolidasikan ke dalam satu lokasi.
• keterbatasan ISP mungkin memerlukan perubahan dalam desain. Haruskah ISP lain digunakan?


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