Lab Finding the Right Networking Job

Step 1: Perform a Skills Strength and Interest Assessment
Several career paths are available for individuals interested in an IT career. If you have not already
participated in a strength and interest assessment, or if you have not yet determined which career path is of interest to you, research some of the tools available. They can help provide a starting point for an IT career selection. There are many resources available – the list below is only a small sampling.
Resources available:
  • Secondary school guidance departments and local college career departments can provide helpful information.
  • Public libraries or websites, such as, offer books on researching career choices and skill strength assessments such as: Information Technology Jobs in America [2007] Corporate & Government Career Guide (Paperback) by Info Tech Employment (Editor), Discover What You’re Best At by Linda Gale, The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit by Matthew Moran
  • Company websites offering a mix of free and fee related services, such as:
Promoting IT Careers: Virtual Field Trips –
Cisco Networking Academy Career Connection –
CompTIA TechCareer Compass –
CyberCareers for the Net Generation –
Quintcareers –
During your search, remember that many IT careers are not limited to IT Companies, but may be associated with the Education, Healthcare, Finance, or Manufacturing industries.
a. Use one of the resources above or similar resources to research possible career choices in the
networking field. For example, in addition to identifying skill strengths, the CompTIA TechCareer Compass site has a page via the Explore Job Roles link ( that allows you to search for a job based on a job title or job criteria. If you are not sure of a job title, the Search Using JobConcentrations section of that page lists job roles that are divided into three areas: Administration, Development, and Integration. Clicking one of the three areas displays a list of job titles. You can then click any title to see a description of critical job functions, compare your skill strengths with the position requirements, and identify the certifications required for the job.
b. Select one of the job titles that is of interest to you as a possible career path.

Step 2: Search a job website for a possible IT position
After identifying a possible career position, search one of the many job sites available. If you are interested in experiencing other cultures or are willing to travel, consider employment opportunities outside your state and country. Internship offerings may also be available.
Some possible job sites to use to search include:

Step 3: Create a résumé and cover letter
a. When a potential job has been found, create a cover letter and résumé that you can use to apply for the position. Print the job description and use it as your guide for creating a customized résumé and cover letter. If the selected job description requests a particular form of résumé, be sure to create your résumé in that format. For example, some jobs require that résumés be submitted via a website only, while others require a paper copy submission. There are many free resources available to assist with the creation of the résumé and cover letter. The websites listed below offer tutorials or information related to writing a résumé and cover letter.
b. After your cover letter and résumé are complete, submit them and the job description to your instructor.

Step 4: Reflection
What other areas related to applying for a job are not covered in this particular lab?
  • Interviews: types of interviews that can be conducted, potential questions asked in interviews, preparing for an interview
  • wawancara : tipe wawancara, pertanyaan berbobot yang ditanyakan saat interview, persiapan wawancara
  • negosiasi mengenai gaji dan keuntungan yang didapat


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