Lab 3.5.4 Developing Network Requirements

Step 1: Record the company business goals and constraints that will influence the network design
As the network designer, you need to identify and prioritize the business goals of FilmCompany as defined in the Project Goals document. Develop your understanding of what these goals are from the FilmCompany case study information.
a. List these goals in order of priority.
b. Expand and consider the details of how these goals can be achieved using the network as a platform.
c. Note any constraints that these expanded goals may impose on the network design, such as retaining
the current number of IT and network support staff.
d. Use word processing software to create a Network Requirements document.
e. Clearly state the business goals and constraints in the document.

Step 2: Record the technical requirements that will influence the network design
a. Evaluate each of the business goals and determine the technical requirements to meet the goals.
List these technical requirements under the headings of:
  • Scalability
  • Availability and Performance
  • Security
  • Manageability
b. Initially, list all technologies that may be able to meet these technical requirements.
c. Include these requirements in your Network Requirements document.

Step 3: Record the user requirements that will influence the network design
a. Consider the types of users that will influence the network design. These users may be onsite, in the
office, in the video editing room, offsite (at the stadium), or mobile. Which types of users generate the heaviest amount of network traffic? Which types generate the lightest traffic?
How might different types of users be grouped for Access Layer purposes?
b. Include these requirements in your Network Requirements document.

Step 4: Record the application requirements that will influence the network design
a. Consider the type of applications that will influence the network design.
What applications are essentially device-based, with minimal network requirements?
Which applications are network-intensive?
Which applications and services are delivered onsite, in the offices, and which may need to be delivered offsite over the WAN or to mobile users?
b. Include these requirements in your Network Requirements document.

Step 5: Develop the network requirements
a. Refine the technical requirements of the network to match user and application requirements.
What compromises may have to be made to ensure that the project remains within the business
b. Finalize the technical requirements of the network that will meet the project goals.
c. Discuss and review your Technical Requirements document with another student to ensure it addresses all the business, user, and application requirements within the Project Scope and does not unnecessarily address out-of-scope requirements. Modify the document as necessary.
d. Save and retain your Technical Requirements document for the next stage of this network design
case study.

Step 6: Reflection
Developing the technical requirements of a network that meets the project goals, while remaining within
scope, requires knowledge of the available and appropriate technologies and services.
Discuss strategies that will ensure that a network design team is up-to-date with networking technologies and their applications.
• Berlangganan ke jurnal teknis dan industri (baik hardcopy dan online)
• Menghadiri peluncuran dan demonstrasi produk
• Menghadiri seminar pelatihan dan kursus
• Menyusun dan melaksanakan rencana pengembangan diri professional
• Memelihara industri saat ini dan sertifikasi vendor


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