Lab Identifying Availability Strategies

Step 1: Identify the areas that will be used for designing a strategy that facilitates availability
a. Use word processing software to create a new document called “Availability Strategies.”
b. Use the identified constraints that set limits or boundaries on the network upgrade project and the potential trade-offs to assist in brainstorming ideas with other students.
The strategy should cover the following areas:
Availability strategies for switches:
  • Redundant power supplies and modules
  • Hot-swappable cards and controllers
  • Redundant links
  • UPS and generator power
Availability strategies for routers:
  • Redundant power supplies, UPS, and generator power
  • Redundant devices
  • Redundant links
  • Out-of-band management
  • Fast converging routing protocols
Availability strategies for Internet/Enterprise Edge:
  • Dual ISP providers or dual connectivity to a single provider
  • Co-located servers
  • Secondary DNS servers
Step 2: Create availability strategies for switches
a. Using the list developed from the brainstorming session, create a list of equipment that will be incorporated into the availability strategy.
The FilmCompany network equipment includes:
2 x 1841 Routers (FC-CPE-1, FC-CPE-2)
3 x 2960 Switches (FC-ASW-1, FC-ASW-2, ProductionSW)
Several servers
1 x Linksys WRT300N Wireless Router (FC-AP)
1 x ADSL Modem for Internet Access
b. Using the list of equipment, identify modules and redundant power supplies that will increase availability for the switches.
c. Identify potential hot swappable cards and controllers that can be used. Create a list that identifies each with cost and features.
d. Develop a diagram that shows potential redundant links that can be incorporated into the network design.
e. Identify at least two possible UPS devices that can be incorporated into the design. Create a list that identifies the cost and features of each.
f. Save your Availability Strategies document.

Step 3: Create availability strategies for routers
a. Use word processing software to create an addition to the Availability Strategies document.
b. Using the list of equipment, identify redundant power supplies that will increase availability for the switches.
c. Identify potential redundant devices and links that can be used. Create a list that identifies each with cost and features.
d. Create a diagram that displays the redundant connections.
e. Develop a list of potential routing protocols that will facilitate fast convergence times.
f. Save your Availability Strategies document.

Step 4: Create availability strategies for Internet/Enterprise Edge
a. Use word processing software to create an addition to the Availability Strategies document.
b. Identify options available that would allow for dual ISP or dual connectivity to a single provider.
c. Create a design that will co-locate the servers to allow for redundancy and ease of maintenance.
d. Save your Availability Strategies document.

Step 5: Reflection
The creation of availability strategies poses many challenges for the designer. What were a few of the more difficult challenges you encountered?
Consider and discuss the identified strategies. Do all of the strategies designed accomplish the task the same way?
Would one be less expensive or less time-consuming than the other?
• Berbagai modul dapat dibeli dengan berbagai fitur dan biaya.
• Berbagai perangkat UPS dapat dibeli dengan berbagai fitur dan biaya.
• Beberapa protokol routing dapat dipilih, tetapi mana yang paling sesuai desain?


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