Lab 3.6.4 Connect and Configure Hosts

Step 3: Step 3: Assign the PCs an IP address and default gateway
i. Why do you think the IP addresses are different, but the subnet masks and default gateways are the same?
Jawaban: Setiap perangkat pada jaringan harus memiliki identifikasi unik. IP alamat adalah salah satu cara unik mengidentifikasi setiap host jaringan atau perangkat. Default gateway merupakan cara berkomunikasi dengan perangkat yang TIDAK pada jaringan Anda sendiri
Langkah 4: Pastikan konfigurasi alamat IP 
e. Are the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway correct for the first PC?
Jawaban: Ya
g. Are the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway correct for the second PC? 
Jawaban: Ya

Step 6: Configure the NetBIOS name 
a. Right-click Start and select the Explore option.
b. How many drive letters are shown in the window that appears?
Jawaban : Tergantung pada perangkat keras yang diinstal, namun akan ada minimal satu dan paling mungkin dua (Harddisk dan CD / DVD drive)
c. Which drive letters are shown? 
Jawaban : tergantung pada perangkat keras yang terpasang, tetapi biasanya ada minimal C: drive untuk hard dan drive D: drive untuk drive CD / DVD

Step 7: Verify configuration
c. The nbtstat –a command can be used to look at a remote computer’s name table. Type nbtstat
again from the command prompt. Notice in the output that when you use the –a switch, you have to put a space and then type a remote computer’s name (RemoteName). 
From PC1, type nbtstat –a PC2 and press Enter. The nbtstat information for PC2 shows on PC1’s monitor.
What command would be used from the command prompt on PC2 to view information about PC1? 
Jawaban : nbtstat-a PC1
f. Write the command that would be typed on PC2 to view information about PC1, using the IP address of PC1 instead of the NetBIOS name.
Jawaban : nbtstat-A
i. Does the ping succeed using lower case letters?
Jawaban : Ya


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